This Friday! Night of Noise Runway Show!

Night of Noise Runway Show: Wear Your Identity Out Loud!
Come dress up and wear your identity for a fashion show-inspired
runway show! We’ll set up a runway through the middle of the space
(because working the audience is so much fun), and you’ll have your
moment of glory to strut your stuff (or dance, or do cartwheels) down
the runway in an outfit that somehow represents who you are, what your
identity is, or how you happen to be feeling at the moment. You’ll
have a chance before the show to write up a little blurb about who you
are today and how what you’re wearing reflects that identity, and
Rhiannon will read it as you walk the runway. The show will be fairly
fast-paced, so longer, individual performances should be saved for the
Open Mic that will follow. Sign-up for the Runway Show will start as
early as 6pm, so that Rhiannon has time to organize the participants
into some kind of order.

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